Posts tagged with "sandanimation"

My blog · 04. November 2024
Variete am Seepark
„Jede Aufführung ist anders Eva Aibazova erschafft mit ihren Fingern, Sand und viel Feingefühl Kunst. In diesem Jahr ist sie beim Varieté am Seepark dabei, das ab dem 7. November zum 33. Mal stattfindet. Sand ist Ihre große Leidenschaft. Warum? Haben Sie als Kind viel im Sandkasten ge- spielt? Nein (sie lacht), Kunst habe ich zwar schon als Kind gemacht, aber zu Sand als Medium bin ich erst mit Anfang '20 ge- kommen. In Mineralnyje Vody im Nord- kaukasus bin ich aufgewachsen.
My blog · 23. January 2023
My Russia in prison / SAND ART AIBAZ
It is not possible to observe what is happening with Russia without shuddering. People would go crazy and demand constant sacrifice offerings. And those few who remained in their right mind have already left the country or are afraid to give their voice in an environment of total control and complete lawlessness! The police in Russia are working to suppress liberal opinions . Beats and humiliates its citizens. All the judges are bought and there is nowhere to complain.
My blog · 20. September 2022
Mermaid / Eva sandshow
"Wish i could be part of this world..." I think it sounds very symbolic. Just as the little mermaid dreamed of becoming a part of the human world by gaining legs, millions of people on our planet still fight every day for their rights to be equal regardless of skin color, gender and any other belonging that is a minority in modern society.
My blog · 10. September 2022
The death of democracy in Russia.
The concept of good and evil exists only in the worldview of a person, since all the rest of the pain inflicted by unconscious animals on each other is evolutionarily justified. Animals kill to survive. It is impossible to justify war and violence of one person over another. You can explain them as a natural consequence of bad geopolitics or upbringing in the family, but this statement of fact only confirms that what happened is wrong. #sandart #sandshow #aibazshow #evasandart #russia
My blog · 31. October 2016
The First International Exhibition of Sand Graphics "Beyond of Time"
The First International Exhibition of Sand Graphics "Beyond Time" in St. Petersburg . The exhibition which began its journey in December 2015 from Barnaul and has already visited 14 cities of Russia and Ukraine, is a unique one of its kind, the world's largest collection of photographs by 38 artists from 27 cities and 4 countries . The works are performed by various grades of sand (monophonic and color) in the flow of drawing technique and are a vivid example of sand graphics.

Aibaz show

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